And it's just what I thought it would be. Can't wait to break into it! I'll be sure to take a few pictures of it in action ;) For now, here is the pretty box it came in:
Here is the shootsac with the normal black cover:
And now with the Baroque! To be honest, my intention was not to buy this cover, because I had my eye on another one, but now that I have it, I love it! The best part is that it matches my brand colors: Black, White, and Red :)
The 3 little dots...
I also had another great treat come in. I signed up to be a WHCC customer and one of the perks of signing up is that you get 5 free 8x10's. They do this in order to see if your monitor is calibrated. Here is one of the five that I picked:
It's from Anaya's baby session I did a few months ago. It's one of my favorite pictures EVER and the parents love it as well so this free print will be a nice gift to them.
I absolutely love this picture!!
thank you very much! I just checked out your website and I love the intro song, it's really cool :)
I absolutely love mine and I know you will enjoy it as much as I have. I decided that if I have another baby they will be perfect to carry bottles around. After all a fed baby is a happy one :) I love the choice on the last pic.
LOL if you do that, definilty submit that to Jessica Claire. She's always looking to see how other photographers use their shootsac's besides the normal way. lol that would be so funny! that pic!
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